アロマンシー香りの錬金術プライベートセッション スクールオブアロマンシーワークショップ ボディーワーク スペースレンタル
Aromancy Perfume Divination Private Session The School of Aromancy Workshops Bodywork Space Rental
アロマンシー香りの錬金術プライベートセッション スクールオブアロマンシーワークショップ ボディーワーク スペースレンタル
Aromancy Perfume Divination Private Session The School of Aromancy Workshops Bodywork Space Rental
古代から人々は匂い、色、形から植物の特性を見出し、文化の発展に役立てて来ました。 私たちの持つ嗅覚は五感の中で、最も原始的な感情に直結していると言われています。ですから時に匂いは忘れていた場所や出来事を呼び戻し、時空を超えた自己との対面を可能にします。そして嗅覚による好き、嫌いなどの反応は生理的に正しい答えであると言えます。アロマンシーセラピストの役目はあなたの答えと植物からのメッセージを繋げて、あなた自身のストーリーに作り上げるお手伝い。アロマンシーセッションでは、あなたの人生問題やテーマを元に、185種類の精油中から必要な数を選びブレンドして、瞬間的に意識を変える香水を作ります。アロマンシーボード上の精油を気が済むまで楽しみ、尚且つ腑に落ちる答えを得るまでの、作業に十分な時間(通常3時間)を見てご参加ください。
Welcome to the World of Aromatic Treasures.
Ancients have learned the quality of plants from their form, colour, and scents to advance their culture. Of our five senses, touch, taste, seeing, hearing, smell, the sense of smell is said to be connected directly to the primal emotion. Scents can bring a memory of past beyond time and space and allow us to reconnect with the self. Likes and dislikes from a smell is always right because it is instinctive.Aromancy therapists' job is to connect your answer
to the message from plants and recreate your own story. Aromancy creates a perfume chosen out of 185 natural essential oils that changes your consciousness instantly. Because I would like that you explore the aromatic treasures to your hearts' content, and be happy with the answer you get and enjoy the resulting perfume,
please allow 3 hours of consultation time.
Fee: 30000 yen including Aroma Spray 30ml
Aromancy Session Flow
Greeting. The answer you seek is waiting on the Aromancy Board, so treat it as coming
to a holy space and pose your question or state your case to the plants on board.
Purification. Your therapist will give you the analogy on the theme according to Tao.
(Yin&Yang, Five Element) and help to clarify your thoughts and emotions.
Exploration. Each of 185 Essential oils are given its own place also according to Yin & Yang
and Five Elements. You will be testing either at random or by guidance.
Selection Process. As you explore, some plants may provoke a strong reaction or a memory. The therapist will share the story of such plant which may relate or help to recreate your new story.
Blending to create a medicinal perfume. Number of oils chosen has the numerological meaning, and each one has its own role in the composition. Use the perfume as an aid to your meditation.
Normally Aromancy is done privately and whatever happens during the session stays within.
So much gratitude for these people who allowed me to share their stories.